Emergency AID June 2024 (food and hygiene baskets )

San Salvador, June 17, 2024


Dear friends,


We are writing to ask for donations for emergency food and hygiene baskets for families who live in extreme poverty in the communities CIS works in due to Tropical Storm Pilar which has put El Salvador on Red Alert since Saturday, June 15 and expected to last through June 21st.  


Families who live on day wages from farming and fishing have not been able to work, as well as homes being flooded, landslides, and some deaths due to extreme nature of the storm. Families on the Isla El Espiritu Santo have been flooded out and have asked for necessity baskets.  As you know there are still 17  innocent providers/workers from the Island detained under the Regime of Exception, making a particular hardship for these families.  We expect requests from other communities for emergency aid as the floods continue. 


Our initial goal is to raise basic needs baskets for 200 families for families on Holy Spirit Island and  the to other vulnerable communities that include rice, beans, sugar, coffee, oil, detergent and other items valued at $50 - $75 each.   No donation is too big or too small!!


We want to inform you that CIS is in the very initial stages working with FUNDASAL and Homes from the Heart to look for more permanent housing solutions on the Holy Spirit Island, as you can see from the pictures, the insecure conditions many families live in.


Donations can be sent to:




Please note for Human Rights and Emergency Fund

Please notify us if you send donation by mail, so we can front the money: 



or you can donate online, please specify Human Rights and Emergency Fund:




Thank you for your support.


Leslie Schuld, on behalf of CIS and LOS OLIVOS CIS.

director@cis-elsalvador.org  or  https://www.cis-elsalvador.org/donate