CIS, a pillar that supported our community


CIS has meant hope – that as a community we can improve our life conditions. CIS has been a fundamental pillar that has accompanied and supported our community in an integral manner, looking to improve life conditions at a personal, organizational, and community level.

Personally, CIS has had a huge impact on my life through the support that has allowed me to study at the university, and without your support would have been impossible to do, since my family does not have the economic resources needed. Being able to have paid employment at the SEW/CIS sewing business allowed me to cover my additional expenses while studying.

My studies and my job experience has improved my possibilities to find a better paying job that will permit me to improve the living conditions of myself and my family.

- Adilene Saavedra, Scholarship student and member of women’s sewing business, Comasagua

CIS El Salvador