CIS exemplifies solidarity


Heartfelt congratulations to the CIS on this milestone of 26 years of solidarity with the Salvadoran people.

It has been a privilege for us to have partnered with the CIS for the past 15 years in developing women’s local and regional businesses.

Coordination by the CIS has facilitated our meeting hundreds of Salvadoran women eager for dignified work. Through the years, the women have seen their dreams become reality. Together with the CIS we developed a model of accompaniment that empowers women to initiate, develop and sustain local businesses.

We have seen these women develop personally and commercially, earning income that enriches their families. We have experienced the business women’s courage, tenacity and creativity in overcoming cultural stereotypes, security and political perils, and take leadership at the local level. The mission of SEW could not have been accomplished without the support of the CIS. SEW business women have benefitted from the CIS scholarship program. Many also have been able to participate in other CIS programs on gender equality, seminars on administration, accounting, legal and health issues. It has been inspiring to see how the CIS consistently expands its networks, staff and volunteers to develop programs to meet the needs of so many communities.

We have experienced the many significant ways the CIS exemplifies solidarity.

Congratulations and blessings to the CIS as you plan for the future.

- Sister Anne Marie Gardiner,
SSND and the Board of Directors,
Salvadoran Enterprises for Women

CIS El Salvador